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var arrlist = wx.getStorageSync(‘key') //获取缓存对应key得数据 wx.setStorageSync(‘key',arrlist) //修改缓存对应key得数据
<scroll-view class="neirong" scroll-y="true" scroll-with-animation="true"> <block wx:for="{{goodsCartList}}" wx:key="this"> <view class="carts"> <view class="cartsxq"> <view class="cartsxq_left"> <image src="/UploadFiles/2021-04-02/{{item.detail.images}}">wxss部分
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// 引用并封装成对象 var showData = require("../../utils/data.js") Page({ data: { goodsCartList:[], //总计 allTotal:0 }, //清空方法 toclears:function(e){ var that =this; let cartList =wx.getStorageSync("cartList")||[]; if(cartList != []){ wx.showModal({ title:"提示", content:"您是否要清空购物车", cancelColor: 'cancelColor', success:function(res){ if(res.confirm){ cartList.splice(cartList); wx.setStorageSync("cartList", cartList); that.getNewPage(); } } }) }else if(cartList == []){ wx.showModal({ title:"提示", content:"购物车没东西了", }) } }, //处理加减操作 oper:function(e){ //获取当前对象的type,后赋值给types var types = e.currentTarget.dataset.type; //获取当前对象的index的值,后赋值给index var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; ///获取当前数据索引对应的"count"(数量),后赋值给count var count = this.data.goodsCartList[index].count; var isDelet =false; //将一段语句赋值给temp var temp = "goodsCartList["+index+"].count"; //判断当前对象的type值是否与“+”相等,减号以此类推 if(types == '+'){ this.setData({ [temp]:++count }) }else if(types == '-'){ if(count>1){ this.setData({ [temp]:--count }) }else{ isDelet = true; } } //如果同步缓存中的key有cartList 就返回cartList ,若没有则返回空 //然后把同步存储缓存的key赋值给cartList var cartList =wx.getStorageSync("cartList")||[]; var that =this; if(isDelet){ //页面交互 wx.showModal({ title:"提示", content:"您是否要将该商品移出购物车", cancelColor: 'cancelColor', success:function(res){ if(res.confirm){ var newCartel = [] for(let i=0; i<cartList.length;i++){ if(i!= index){ newCartel.push(cartList[i]); } } wx.setStorageSync('cartList', newCartel); that.getNewPage(); } } }) }else{ cartList[index].count = count; wx.setStorageSync('cartList', cartList); } //让cartList[index].count的值与上面创建的count相等 cartList[index].count = count; //默认allTotal为0,因为在onShow方法中已经调用了allTotal,所以在这里我们需要在局部作用域下新创建一个allTotal变量 var allTotal = 0; //把this.data.goodsCartList数据赋值给goodsCartList var goodsCartList = this.data.goodsCartList; for(let i=0; i<goodsCartList.length;i++){ allTotal += goodsCartList[i].detail.price * goodsCartList[i].count; console.log(allTotal); } this.setData({ allTotal:allTotal }) }, //封装总计方法 getNewPage:function(){ var cartIndexList = wx.getStorageSync("cartList"); var cartList = showData.getGoodsListByIndex(cartIndexList); var goodsCartList =[]; var allTotal=0; for(let i=0; i<cartList.length; i++){ goodsCartList.push({ detail:cartList[i], count:cartIndexList[i].count }) allTotal = allTotal + cartList[i].price * cartIndexList[i].count; } this.setData({ goodsCartList:goodsCartList, allTotal:allTotal }) }, //页面同步显示 onShow: function () { this.getNewPage(); }, })以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持。
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